Quality management
So that your cast product is convincing in terms of quality. Right from the start.
We know: In national and international competition, quality and reliability are the decisive criteria for a good and lasting cooperation between manufacturer and client. That is why we strive for zero-defect production. All process steps, raw materials and end products are subject to permanent control.
Thanks to our close-knit network throughout Europe, we are able to ensure the best quality of your cast products quickly and flexibly. In this way, we have a decisive influence on the quality, functional reliability and cost-effectiveness of your castings as early as the design phase. We also have modern laboratory facilities for quality control.
We see every day as a new opportunity to optimise our own actions. This enables us to identify and analyse problems quickly and efficiently in order to develop and implement creative and practicable solutions.
Railway certificates
Odlewnia Zeliwa Bydgoszcz 1
PDF 5637 kb
Odlewnia Zeliwa Bydgoszcz 2
PDF 3972 kb
Odlewnia Zeliwa Bydgoszcz 3
PDF 3332 kb
Schmiedeberger Gießerei 1
PDF 4621 kb
Schmiedeberger Gießerei 2
PDF 8937 kb
Schmiedeberger Gießerei 3
PDF 4311 kb
Stahl- und Hartgusswerk Bösdorf 1
PDF 48 kb
Stahl- und Hartgusswerk Bösdorf 2
PDF 9101 kb
Eisenwerk Arnstadt 1
PDF 8986 kb
Eisenwerk Arnstadt 2
PDF 2469 kb
Eisenwerk Arnstadt 3
PDF 4276 kb
Other certificates
Stahl- und Hartgusswerk Bösdorf 1
PDF 6559 kb
Stahl- und Hartgusswerk Bösdorf 2
PDF 5445 kb
Stahl- und Hartgusswerk Bösdorf 3
PDF 4135 kb
Stahl- und Hartgusswerk Bösdorf 4
PDF 10504 kb
Meuselwitz Guss 1
PDF 1952 kb
Meuselwitz Guss 2
PDF 2516 kb
Meuselwitz Guss 3
PDF 4691 kb
Meuselwitz Guss 4
PDF 10781 kb
Odlewnia Zeliwa Bydgoszcz 1
PDF 3949 kb
Odlewnia Zeliwa Bydgoszcz 2
PDF 8331 kb
Walzengießerei Coswig
PDF 3256 kb
Walzengießerei Coswig
PDF 3255 kb
Schmiedeberger Gießerei 1
PDF 8408 kb
Schmiedeberger Gießerei 2
PDF 2636 kb
Schmiedeberger Gießerei 3
PDF 3457 kb
Schmiedeberger Gießerei 4
PDF 3049 kb